Poetry of William Shakespeare : Venus and Adonis Summary and Analysis


When Shakespeare's literary career started, it was probably with 'Venus and Adonis', a narrative poem published in 1593. In this poem Shakespeare employs a number of erotic images and some tragic and pastoral elements.

This is one of the long poems containing 1,194 lines and 199 stanzas, was dedicated to Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton and Baron of Tichfield.


The poem contains six lines in each stanza and follows ABABCC rhyme scheme. Metre is iambic pentameter. This stanza form later came to be known as Venus and Adonis stanza.


Adonis is a young man well-known for his incredibly handsome and gorgeous appearance. He is always an object of attraction to women who look at him. He never cares for women's beauty however. He would go for hunting rather.

Attracted to his beauty in first sight, Venus, the Goddess of Love, comes down to earth to make love with him. Adonis is getting ready for a hunt when she arrives at him. She appeals to him to come down from horse in order to spend time with her in love-making. When he will not listen to her words, she forcibly unhorses him and lie next to each other. She talks of love, stares at him. All she wants is a beautiful kiss from him. He leaves for his horse however letting Venus in utter dismay. When he nears his horse, he sees his horse seems susceptible to a call from another horse and they go away for a fun. Left behind helpless for his hunt, Adonis sees Venus advances in her love-making business.

Venus takes the moment as an opportunity and she proceeds with her job. But all her advancements fail and her words fall in his deaf ears. Adonis leaves her derisively with anger. This makes her faint. Afraid his wrath has caused her faint, Adonis hurries to her and kisses her unswervingly. Venus, like a Sleeping Beauty, comes back to life at his kiss. When she asks him more kisses, he gives her reluctantly.

When Venus asks him for time to meet him tomorrow, he disapproves of her wish as he is going to hunt a wild boar tomorrow. She warns him not to go for a hunt tomorrow as she has envisioned that he is killed by a wild boar. He resolutely leaves her in spite of her warnings.

Venus unconvinced, seeks for him in the wild the next day and finds his body lying down next to his heavily injured dog. She experiences such a loss for the first time. She curses as a goddess of love that from that moment onwards Love will be flecked with suspicion, fear and sadness. Adonis' blood coloured the flowers around him. Venus leaves the earth bereft and returns to her whereabout.
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