Popularly known as 'Dr Faustus' its full title reads 'The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctors Faustus'. It is a 'morality play' written by Christopher Marlowe. It was first performed in 1594.


The prologue introduces The Chorus. The Chorus chronicles Dr Faustus' past and present life and presages his future destiny. Dr Faustus was born to a small family in Rhodes. After pursuing his Doctor of Divinity in Wittenberg university, Dr Faustus is now intending to practice necromancy or black magic. The Chorus further clarifies that the play will only deal with "the form of Faustus' fortunes, good or bad”.


The play begins with a long soliloquy in which Faustus reveals his dissatisfaction over his profession as a doctor though it has brought him a great fame. He eventually decides that he will learn magic. He commands Wagner, his servant, to bring Valdes and Cornelius, two men good at black magic. They provide him some books of magic and leave. Now Faustus excels in learning magic. With the amount of knowledge he acquired through books, he manages to conjure up the devil Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles appears before him and Faustus commands him to come back dressed as a Franciscan friar. Mephistopheles vanishes a moment and reappears dressed up as a friar. Mephistopheles denies to act upon his orders until he gets permission from Lucifer. Then Faustus sends Mephistopheles to Lucifer with an offer that he will give his soul for 24 years of uninterrupted service from Mephistopheles and abundance of knowledge and power.

In meantime, Wagner presses a clown to be his servant and promises to teach him magic.

Before Mephistopheles' return, Faustus struggles to decide on his decision whether to become a magician or not. Two Angels, a good one and an evil one, appear before him. The Good Angel advises to think upon his decision whereas the Evil Angel encourages to continue with his decision.

Mephistopheles returns and informs Faustus that Lucifer has agreed to his offer. Faustus decides to make the agreement and cuts his arm to sign the deed with blood. But his blood congeals. Mephistopheles runs to fetch him fire in order to loosen the blood for writing. But Faustus takes it to be a warning from God to withdraw his decision. Mephistopheles fetches fire and Faustus signs the deed however. At once the agreement is done, an inscription appears on his hand "Homo fuge" meaning "O man, Fly" in Latin. When Faustus wavers in so many doubts and confusion, Mephistopheles appears with a number of devils to entertain him. Faustus is now ready to entertain the new wisdom and power. Mephistopheles answers almost all Faustus' questions. But runs away whenever Faustus asks him 'who made the world'. When Faustus repents for his decision and appeals God for mercy, Lucifer, Beelzebub and Mephistopheles appear before him with seven deadly sins to entertain him. This makes Faustus to become high up in spirit again.

Robin, an ostler, steals one of Faustus' magic books and goes to bar with Ralph in the belief to taste any kind of wine with his magic skills.

Wagner reports the audience that Faustus now travels to measure the globe and will end up in Rome. In Rome, a feast is held to celebrate the pope's victories. There Faustus and Mephistopheles play deceptions and make themselves invisible and snatch foods in the feast. When people found the foods vanish, they afraid that there is some ghost.

Meanwhile Robin, with his friend Ralph, tries to prank Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles threatens to turn them into animals. Then Mephistopheles leaves to join Faustus in Turkey.

The Chorus informs the audience that Faustus is now back in Germany and he next meets with German Emperor, Charles V, who, knowing about Faustus' growing fame, has invited him to his court. In the court, Faustus promises the Emperor to fulfill any of his wishes. The Emperor requests Faustus to conjure up Alexander the Great with his lover. Faustus creates two spirits resembling Alexander and his lover which greatly excites the Emperor. Benvolio, a knight in the court, is skeptical of Faustus' magical powers. Faustus makes a pair of antlers sprout on the head of Benvolio. Benvolio is terrified and pleads Faustus for mercy. On Emperor's request, Faustus removes the antlers with warning. Benvolio plans a revenge against Faustus along with his friends Martino and Frederick. When Faustus enters, Benvolio cuts off his head. When he enjoys the victory with his friends, to their surprise, Faustus rises back to life with his head restored. Mephistopheles orders demons to take Benvolio and his friends to hell. But Faustus, in a change of heart, orders them be dragged through the streets, so that the people will become aware of what happens to his enemies. All the three of his attackers have antlers sprout on their heads.

Faustus then encounters with a horse-courser and sells his horse to him with a warning not to ride the horse into the water. When Faustus falls asleep, the horse-courser returns and demands his money back telling that his horse turned into a heap of straw when he rode it into a river. When Faustus will not awake, he pulls his leg and it breaks off. He runs away with the leg and Faustus makes fun of him.

At the request of the Duke of Vanholt, Faustus is now with the Duke performing magic. He fulfills the duchess' wish that he orders Mephistopheles bring up a dish of ripe grapes to duchess. Both the duke and the duchess are greatly pleased and they reward him.

Then Faustus meets with some scholars and one of them requests to bring Helen of Troy. Faustus consents and orders Mephistopheles to immediately produce Helen of Troy. She shows up and the scholars please.

When 24 years is over and time comes for Faustus' departure from the world, Faustus begins to repent. But it is too late and Mephistopheles threatens him not to do so. Then Faustus requests Mephistopheles to bring back Helen of Troy and his request is fulfilled.

Faustus' horrified eyes reveals us it is his final night in his life. The clock strikes twelve and devils enter and carry Faustus to hell. The next morning, his friends gather to do funeral rites to Faustus' body.
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