Sonnet 24 : Shakespeare's Sonnets Summary

Sonnet 24 : Mine Eyes Hath Played the Painter and Hath Stell'd


Sonnet 24 is one of the sonnets in the Fair Youth sequence written by Shakespeare.


Shakespeare compares his eyes to a painter which has engraved the youth's beautiful image on the canvas of his heart. His whole body surrounds the image like a frame. Realistic painting requires certain skills. No painter or artist in the world has the highest skill, rather than his own eyes, to paint the soulful image of the youth to dwell continuously in his heart. 

The poet's eyes are the painter and the youth's eyes are the windows through which the poet sees his own heart. And through this window the sun also takes a look into his reflection. Other painters paint what they see, they are unable to see into the youth's heart. So only the poet's eyes have the right skill to paint the soulful image of the Fair Youth.
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